Sunday, September 24, 2006

While playing in Back Bay, I became the subject of a BU student's photojournalism project. She said she'd e-mail me some of the photos she took (and she took a lot). I'll see if I think any of them are shareable. I got interviewed.


While I was walking out of my home T stop the other day, one of the T workers told me to keep playing, because music is the only thing in this world that's real anymore. I'm not sure I agree that it's the only real thing, but I appreciated the sentiment. I think music, of whatever genre, does give a lot of people a way to feel grounded when not much else seems stable.


I played my standard "Pop Goes The Weasel" for a couple little ones today. It's so cool to watch them listening politely to something they don't know, and then as soon as I play something they recognize, their little faces light up and they turn to their caretakers to share the moment.


Anyone want to buy a viola? I have one I'm selling for a couple grand. (It's not my Very Good Viola, obviously; I need that one, but it got me through my undergradute degree.)

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